The construction of the TRAX Park is a pilot project within a global city renewal project for the northern station area. This bigger project turns a former industrial site next to the railway into a connecting landscape between the city center and the neighborhoods behind the train tracks. The linear park is also part of a green corridor that will connect the city with the surrounding big valleys and landscapes, according to the Green Plan Roeselare that also was developed by BUUR.
The TRAX Park forms the outside space of the TRAX building, a former railway depot that was turned into a multi-functional center for socio-cultural organizations. The park is a clear added value for the program of the building, but also a structural alternative for the present pop-up park at the station. The design proposes a harmonious whole of smaller, hidden spots, a green and open zone that can be used as lawn for sunbathing or festivals, a skate zone and a various play and experience elements. The realization of the park enhances the natural experience in the station environment and deliberately attracts different user groups, like children, youngsters, adults and elderly. Each of them will be able to appropriate their own little spot.
The TRAX Park was declared in 2015 as winner of the ‘Natuur in je buurt’ Priz of the Agentschap voor Natuur en Bos. It was praised for its good integration in the landscape and built environment, added value for the neighborhood and the participation process. The subsidy that comes with the prize allows to increase the ambition level for the construction and add an interactive sound game in the park that will allow passers-by to create their own composition using nature sounds.