The area around Herman Debroux is undergoing complete change. In addition to the new developments on the Delta site, the demolition of the viaduct is desirable in order to make room for urban space with a high degree of permeability for soft road users and public transport. At the same time, the implantation of a depot and P&R is being investigated.
For the site around H.Debroux, Brussels is strongly committed to the alternative modes with the reduction of car traffic capacity. New developments must be made accessible through a good flow of public transport by means of their own bedding for trams and buses. At the same time, the intersections at Delta must be made simpler and the accessibility of the P&R at the end of the E411 must not be compromised.
The client had already carried out a preliminary study using the Musti macro model to gain an initial insight into shifts in traffic flows. For the entire study, Sweco was asked to examine the traffic flow, the intersection geometry and the traffic control systems in detail for 5 scenarios. All scenarios were based on the demolition of the H.Debroux viaduct on which variants with tunnels and neighbourhood circulation were combined.
This study was carried out with Vissim and the network includes different types of intersections according to the scenario. As some of the intersections were close to each other, coordination in light control was very important.
All scenarios were evaluated on flow of the different traffic participants. This in order to be able to give a more nuanced picture of the impact of certain interventions.
For this purpose, first the existing situation was created and validated by the actors.
Then, a first set of scenarios was drawn up, which led to optimisations and new scenarios. The latter were then discussed and approved in a work meeting.